“While the urgency of addressing climate change is undeniable…”

Oh dear. Whether or not one accepts (and many don’t) the notion that man can control the changing of the planet’s climate in any meaningful way, the notion that addressing it is a matter of “urgency” is most definitely deniable.

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A dilemma indeed! explanation of democratic decisions juxtaposed against dictatorial edicts have inherent snakes and ladders! Neither is the answer. Dictators get found out and bumped off and democracy’s only work if the 49% adhere to the 51%. Both ways only work if they both intend to ‘do the right thing’ for the people to follow in agreement. Failsafe of either system is to do right by the vast majority of population and to benefit and better all not just the few. Both need to carry all for them to work as all must be assured it will not just work but it will benefit and better all. Up to now both descriptions of the way forward serve best the few and not the majority. The mission should be the best and only way to ensure all population are best served. Take the economy. It doesn’t work! The rich get rich by the poor being poorer. Is that growth!? If so it’s fit for the few. Should it not be fit for all? Make all money move faster and in bulk. That way all are served better and to the best possible way. Put a ‘spend by date’ on money electronically to make it work. That the only possible way for an investment economy to work for all. Capitalist is best when left to free market. But the market must be autonomous and perpetual for it to work at its optimum.

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Thank you. Nice point abt the paradise that is Japan. The old rebuttal of utilitariansm is, "Well so you say, old lad" (addressed to Sidgwick or some such ueber-Bore). It must be age or summat, but I can't be the only one to have become fed up with other people's caring schemes. Funnily enough I am much more beady-eyed abt probable or unforeseen bad outcomes and the dishonest intent that led us there. That sort of distrust was the genius of old England.

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