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Yes! We should pay more to defend ourselves. Better still is to fill the exchequer with more tax revenue! As All taxation is triggered by spending, or at least money moving, the answer is in turbo charging spending! I don’t know about you but, to spend more the people need more money. At the moment the Chancellor is trying to squeeze the poor and the working class to find more tax from a total pot that is devoid of the vast pot held by the rich and wealthy, who hold on to and retain money away from our working pot! Without them spending it back in the same time frame the Chancellor is taxing a small pot of money. Money needs to flow in bulk and in perpetuity for the system to extract tax from a fast flowing tsunami of spending rather than a stagnant pond that describes our present and past economic flow. When the government is short of money it borrows like a household who are short. But the people we borrow from want their capital back and more so it’s impossible to sustain that position if at all. Even the US is now on a path of austerity, high interest rates, high inflation and high debt! It doesn’t work for them and they have borrowed $30trillion! That investment hasn’t funded growth because it’s all now in the hands of the few rich who hold 95% of the worlds wealth. We need an easy way to lighten that hold to make spending the way to pay sufficient tax revenue. Overflow the coffers of all exchequers!! We need a spending economy of previously held money.

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