We don't have a housing crisis but rather we have an immigration crisis. Had UK followed a policy of zero net immigration since 1997 when New Labour took power, there would be NO shortage of housing. Even if the UK carpeted over the country with houses, we would running to catch up and falling further behind with net immigration running at nearly one million per annum. Furthermore the UK does not have the capacity to build the houses and the infrastructure required e.g. the roads, sewers, hospitals, schools, medical schools etc. And the UK has NOT bothered to train all the tradesman, engineers, doctors etc necessary to design, build and operate all of the housing and required infrastructure. And the UK is skint! We are maxed out of the national credit card with bond yields climbing, and we are burdened with ever rising levels of taxation. And the UK has an ever expanding public sector suffering ever declining productivity. And the UK is burdened by governments both Labour and Conservative who think you can generate growth by continuing to borrow, tax and spend. The problems are all exacerbated by the fantasy of the Net Zero saving the world. The outcome is de-industrialisation, declining GDP per capita. and declining living standards.
Here here. It would help if there was a land tax so empty land with planning would be taxed as if the building were there. Stop builders collecting a land bank and waiting to build until prices rise.
We don't have a housing crisis but rather we have an immigration crisis. Had UK followed a policy of zero net immigration since 1997 when New Labour took power, there would be NO shortage of housing. Even if the UK carpeted over the country with houses, we would running to catch up and falling further behind with net immigration running at nearly one million per annum. Furthermore the UK does not have the capacity to build the houses and the infrastructure required e.g. the roads, sewers, hospitals, schools, medical schools etc. And the UK has NOT bothered to train all the tradesman, engineers, doctors etc necessary to design, build and operate all of the housing and required infrastructure. And the UK is skint! We are maxed out of the national credit card with bond yields climbing, and we are burdened with ever rising levels of taxation. And the UK has an ever expanding public sector suffering ever declining productivity. And the UK is burdened by governments both Labour and Conservative who think you can generate growth by continuing to borrow, tax and spend. The problems are all exacerbated by the fantasy of the Net Zero saving the world. The outcome is de-industrialisation, declining GDP per capita. and declining living standards.
Since the birth rate is too low to maintain the population we actually need the immigrants.
But not poorly educated low immigrants from alien cultures living on benefits.
Zero Net Immigration means immigration at a level to match emigration which is about 400,000 a year.
Here here. It would help if there was a land tax so empty land with planning would be taxed as if the building were there. Stop builders collecting a land bank and waiting to build until prices rise.